Revenge 2009

Revenge 2009. 🇮🇪☘☘
Wake up the music’s awful loud

A hangover of which I’m awful proud

Brady scored that much I know

Now it’s France and on we go

Revenge the hand of Thierry 

Sunday prayers it’s got to be

Adieu my friends your bowing out

Fill up the kegs now start the rout.


 If only, a friend might call

 pretend I wasn’t here.

 Fear Hiding in the corner 

 For want of a little cheer.

 Hoping he might come right in 

 Praying he might call again.

 Strange I can not unlock

 Invisible a mental block.

 A tablet to dull the pain

 Vibrations within my brain

 Allow him enter only then

 Free me from this mental



Silence breaks

Silence breaks
Silence left me all alone

Amid the crowd I’m on my own

Lost like footprints in the sand

Crying out, a helping hand.
A heart once beating full of joy

Now a broken children’s toy

Childhood memories torn apart

By a secret, how did it start.
Is there an answer I wonder

Without words I don’t know how

Is it too late to start anew

Or has silence just turned the screw.