Mindful of your presence

Mindful of your presence.

Nature nurtures inner peace
Summer skies-cover fleece
Warm feelings-soothing soul
Burning bright-let’s all enrol
Into a world of harmony

Fighting fears-salty tears
Birdsong sweetly soothing fears
Whistling wind-leafy trees
In a land of honey.

Suddenly life so calm
To the soul a healing balm
Nagging doubts quickly quell
If only for a moment dwell
Mindful of your presence.

Jpoet7 ( @wordverse.me )

Chromosomes in a single seed

Chromosomes in a single seed.

In a fairytale world
Where life unfurled
A dice rolled.
Magic moments unfold.
Some find a crock of gold.
Others left out in the cold.
I wonder who decides that fate
A pauper or a king create.
Or is it just a random deed
Chromosomes in a single seed.
If only life had rolled a double
We may not be in so much trouble.

Jpoet7 ( @wordverse.me )

Hugs matter

◦ Hugs matter-acrostically

◦ However we feel

◦ Under any circumstances

◦ Generosity gladdens

◦ Sending warm embraces.

◦ Melting worries

◦ Averting poison arrows

◦ Throwing lifelines

◦ Taking time to love

◦ Easing pain

◦ Reasons to hug.

We don’t know who’s there

We don’t know who’s there
Pass a smile-show you care
Do not stop-stare
In your heart you know
It isn’t fair.
Send a message of
Abandon all this sadness.
Face the world with gladness
Fill your day with happiness
In your heart-embrace-caress
We don’t know whose there.

Jpoet7 ( @wordverse.me )