A spark went out

For those who love animals a pet becomes part of the family. A companion when you are lonely. To lose that pet, be it a dog, cat or any animal can be heartbreaking. Sometimes it’s difficult for those outside to appreciate this.

I wish you well in your new space

I turn around now your not there

No embrace, no one to share
An empty space between the sheets
All alone my poor heart beats.
A rock on which I did depend
A hand that always would extend
Helpful in so many ways
Walked together all our days.
My thoughts of you will never fade
Sweet memories that we once made
Your presence never out of place
I wish you well in your new space.
J. Poet 7 ( wordverse.me )

A quiet corner

                A quiet corner
I like the sound of silence calling
Autumn leaves from trees a falling
Lovers walking holding hands
Dreaming dreams of future plans.
Where wishing stars from outer space
Spray brightly on a warm embrace
Sunset shades. A lover’s kiss
Of happy hours we reminisce.
Whispered waves on golden shore
Against the tide we’ll row no more
A quiet place to meditate
Take a breath and contemplate.
J.Poet 7 ( wordverse.me )