A cry from the heart

Forlornly she stared into the distance. The years of hardship etched into her lonely face.

 She had lost everything, and now the ultimate loss. 

Too old to travel she is left alone and destitute.

Standing amidst the ruins of her miserable life. 

She watched as in the distance her family left 

 bundled unceremoniously into tiny rafts.

A child tightly hugging a filthy teddy bear.

Her tear stained face streaked in muddy streams. 

No tears left to shed in her wide brown eyes

 she can but hope that her children will survive.

The planet

Sew a seed and let it grow

for a greener future one never knows

Educate the young on greenhouse gasses

In schools teach botany in our classes
The world would be a better place

If coal and methane took second place

Let’s start at home and plant a tree

And try our best to be smoke free
Let politicians discuss ad nauseam

procrastinate never solve the problem

If we don’t act now we’ll all regret

And the atom bomb won’t be the only threat

The children

I looked into their eyes.

The    Children

Through the dirt and thro’ the      tears.

The Children.
The sorrow and the pain.

The Children.
In the mud and in the rain.

The Children.
Across murderous terrain.

The Children.
In overcrowded boats, in vain.

The Children.
From far off Syria they came.

The Children.
To our eternal shame.

The Children.
We closed off all our borders.

The Children.
The armies under orders.

The Children.
They sat dying huddled in corners.

The Children.
They talked about world aid.

The Children.
Over lunch in rooms first grade.

The Children.
Decisions too long delayed.

The Children.
We should bow our heads in shame

The Children.
Too many now to claim.

The Children.
On the economy a drain.

The Children.
Send them back from where they came

The Children.
An atrocity again.

The Children.
Do we want to understand.

The Children.
We just pretend to lend a hand.

The Children.
Lye dying on the strand.

The Children.






National poetry day they say

No parades no flags no hip hooray

But do we need to advertise

To spread the news not to elegise

The art of poetry will still live on 

Inspired by Keats, Kavanagh and Byron


The private jet had touched down earlier arriving from Malpensa airport. She had stepped elegantly onto the runway and into the waiting chauffeur driven limousine. She was whisked away speedily past the normal security checks and off to her location. She is a model, the daughter of a South American Diplomat and a lady famous not only for her looks but also for her left wing ideals.

She was here for a photo shoot and as usual on occasions there was an army of paparazzi awaiting her arrival, and of course her burly body guards who were always conspicuous by their dress code. Although immensely wealthy in her own right she had never flaunted it in public and today was no exception. There was always a buzz and a tension about and an edginess the cut through the air. ……………………

How long ago is it since you sat alone in silence. It’s difficult what with your I pad, I Pod, TV, Facebook, E Mail, What’s App and all the other gadgets that surround your whole being. It’s difficult to clear the mind to sit still without wondering. Your brain is filled with electronic pulses – Turn Them Off – listen to the silence. Become as the yoga man says “one with yourself ” you will find if you do that all these things will still be there when you return . If you’re lucky enough to have lots of “friends” on Facebook there will be lots of messages. They waited – but in the meantime be it for 10 minutes or whatever, you were relaxed, you may not realise it but it did you good. If you like me picked up a pen and paper ( remember them ) you did something you enjoy, it’s not being lazy it’s being mind healthy. Why not try it .